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Smart Ideas For Better Shed Ventilation

Shed Ventilation

Good air circulation is important for sheds, especially if there are no windows or your shed not used on a regular basis. Poor shed ventilation can even be bad for your health. You may open the door to be greeted with a noxious odour. Or moisture can accumulate causing mould. You may have sealed up all the gaps in your shed, however good air ventilation is also important. Here are some ideas to improve ventilation in your shed.

Do Sheds Need Ventilation?

A storage shed usually isn’t used that often, so you probably haven’t considered air ventilation. However, bad odours or noxious fumes can build up, and even if you don’t spend much time in your shed, it’s not good to breathe this in. Good ventilation becomes even more important when your shed is used regularly, such as for a workshop, a home office or a games room.

Poor shed ventilation can result in:

Why do you Need Good Shed Ventilation?

Effective ventilation in your shed will improve airflow. It will make the inside environment comfortable to work in, reduce humidity, mould, rust and wood rot. Items that are stored in poorly ventilated sheds can become mouldy or musty smelling. Ventilation also helps to control the indoor temperature of your shed, which makes it much more comfortable, especially if you spend long periods of time working on projects.

Ventilation can become even more important if you store chemicals, paints or tools in your shed. Poor ventilation can allow fumes to build up, such as gas fumes from power tools which are not healthy to inhale, even for a short period of time.

What Type of Ventilation is Available for Sheds?

There are a couple of types of vents that are suitable for shed ventilation: ridge vents and wall vents.

Other options for shed ventilation include whirlybirds, venting skylights which have the added benefit of providing light, and of course, windows. However, windows can’t be left open all of the time, so other ventilation may be necessary.

Proper shed ventilation is essential to reduce bad odours, moisture build up, unhealthy air and mould growth. A well ventilated shed allows you to be comfortable and to have a constant flow of clean and healthy air.

Out high quality Sheds in Perth come with a wide variety of accessories to properly ventilate your shed. For more information contact the team at Spinifex Sheds on 9390 4662.

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