How To Keep Animals Out of Your Garden

How To Keep Animals Out of Your Garden

Do you love to go outside and work in your garden? You put a lot of work and time into your garden, and you want to make sure that you get to enjoy your harvest. Unfortunately, animals want to enjoy your harvest, too. Luckily, there are some easy ways you can keep animals from ravaging all of your hard work.

Build a Fence

One of the best ways to keep animals out of your garden is to build a fence to keep them out. When deciding what kind of fence to build, you need to know what kinds of animals you have around you. If you regularly have deer get into your garden, you’ll want to make sure that you build a tall enough fence. Deer are amazingly powerful and can easily jump over a 6-foot fence. You’re usually most protected when you do an 8-foot fence.

When building the fence, make sure you build a trench around the garden to place the fencing material about 6 inches underground. Putting the fence in the ground helps stop rabbits, groundhogs, or voles from digging underneath it.

Use Plants

Many animals don’t like the smell of certain plants, so it will be beneficial to plant them strategically around the garden’s perimeter. The plants are also helpful because the flowers will bring more bees to your garden, which will help pollinate your plants and increase your harvest.

Deer are particularly averse to daffodils and poppies. Many animals choose to stay away from plants with strong smells, such as sage and lavender. Marigolds are particularly good at keep rabbits away.

Predator Urine

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Sometimes, animals don’t care what deterrents you set up to keep them out of your garden. The allure of the plants is just too much for them. When this happens, you can use predator urine to keep them out. Their inherent need to keep themselves safe will outweigh any tasty treats they feel are waiting for them. Coyote and fox urine tend to be the most common ones used, but you want to make sure that the urine matches the threat in your area. You can often purchase the urine from Cape Coral pest control companies.

Spraying Water

Sometimes the easiest way to keep animals out is to give them a good scare with water. You can set up a motion-detected sprinkler that will go off whenever something comes close. The water only sprays for about 5 to 10 seconds, so you don’t have to worry about potential overwatering issues.

Alison Lurie

Alison Lurie