Slate chippings are more than just stone. They can be added to a driveway for a different texture and a stylish appearance. Your slate pellets will be fine textured and appear in various shapes to match your individual needs as an individual or homeowner. You can also use slate chippings for driveways and an alternative to sand when landscaping, or having a walkway near the house. Slate is an affordable material that lasts long-term which makes it ideal for replacing concrete with something durable, beautiful, and easy to maintain. The key benefits of using slate as an aggregate are:
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1. Versatility
Slate can be used to replace concrete in most areas, such as driveways and sidewalks. It can also be used for creating retaining walls and garden paths. Slate is very versatile and it can be used in multiple applications.
2. Drainage
Slate has a great drainage capacity compared to rocks, so it won’t get clogged with dirt or debris like other materials might. It will also keep moisture levels low which is great for landscaping ideas on a rainy day because the area will remain dry as rainwater runs off of the material instead of pooling up.
3. Durability
Slating has a very long lifespan which is great because it lasts longer than most other types of gravel or stone. The lifespan of a slate driveway can last as long as fifty years with proper maintenance. When you’re building a new drive or sidewalk, you’ll also want to include some type of erosion control measures because even though the joints on the material can be tight, they should still be treated with a surface sealant.
4. Cost
One of the greatest benefits of using slate is that it’s a sustainable material. It’s also often mixed with aggregate in order to keep costs down when you’re laying it down and adding other materials to your surface.
When wet, slate darkens in color, giving an extra texture and appearance to the landscape that complements the plantings and colors. By obstructing sunlight from locations where weeds are most prone to take root, slate helps keep those unsightly weeds at bay. In addition to reducing the number of weeds in your garden, using slate chipping may also improve the soil’s ability to hold onto water.
Slate comes in many diverse colors, including blue/grey, dark blue, plum, and green, and has unique characteristics. Slate “mulch” reflects light upward, illuminating dark corners and ground cover. It is also more effective at absorbing heat than other pavement materials at keeping plants and soil cooler in the summer.
The interlocking 15-30mm size is ideal for use as a driveway surface since it is both durable and pleasant to walk on. Slate driveways are common because the material is inexpensive, simple to install, and requires little upkeep. If you are looking forward to buying chippings for driveways, visit Corn Whaul.